A Speech About Passion for English Major Freshmen
For some people, majoring in English is actually not a sensible option with the consideration of future career. It appears that specializing in English means spending our precious four years on mere mastering a foreign language, which most of our counterparts have learned more or less.English majors seem to have little competitiveness in job hunting, so on and so forth. In spite of this, I still have a deep love for my major – English major
First and foremost, the curriculum set for English majors has offered us great opportunities to be exposed to a real English environment. Moreover, language is so clearly culture-related that we feel like encountering new cultures distinctive from ours, which appeals to me most.Having a better understanding of foreign cultures allows us to achieve smoother communications.It does have beneficial effect on bridging various cultures in the world.Communicating in another language involves not only linguistic skills, but also the ability to think differently, so that we can enter another culture's world and get to know the world better.
Secondly, with its greater expansion, English has become the leading international language.Conferences as well as papers are mostly presented in English. This implies that having good command of English contributes greatly to further understanding and information update.Not only can we know about current affairs worldwide immediately, but also be able to be acquainted with latest technology.It's our professional language skills that serve as a stepping stone for us to keep pace with the times. Hence, I can't agree more to the fact thatthose who help the globalization process bettermay not be those equipped with the latest technology or the most fashionable mobile phones, but the ones with better skills to understand what lies in, under and beyond the words in many different languages.
All in all, it is the passion for language, the hunger for life, the openness to the world and the quest for truth that motivates me to major in English.I just take great pride in being an English major.
Welcoming speech for freshmen 2016
Jackie Wong (黄中习)
Hello, my dear freshmen! I’m Jackie Wong, one of your teachers.
First, my thousand thanks to your wise choice of our college. Please accept my respectful congratulations to you ALL! You’re welcome to be a member of the harmonious family of our department, the Department of Foreign Languages, GDUF. You’re welcome to be part of our life. You’re just our new hope and our bright future.
Second, since you’ve turned to be part of our life, we’ll do whatever we can, together with our excellent colleagues, to help your growth & progress in your study, health and integrity. We’ll listen to your concern, heart & soul, helping you adjust to the new college life and make progress day by day.
Since you’ve come into our united family, my dear freshmen, we’ll experience, together with you, the wonder of English learning, the miracle of talent potentialities, and true meaning of free spirit, self-reliance and independent personality.
Third, in the following four years, we are very pleased to be your guides and friends in a myriad of language practice, research projects and campus activities, which will give full play to your unimaginable potential. As you go on to experience the real world communication, we will initiate you to more social practice, helping you know better your true self, the present society, the spirit of research and the value of human life.
As your seniors and teachers, we’ll be pleased to offer we have, in hand and atheart, to you in your next dream transition in your life, whether it is job-hunting or further graduate studies. Just remember, the success of our university as well as our department relies much on your achievements. We have every reason to believe in your coming miracles, my dear freshmen.
Fourth, as to the way to study and the key to success, I’ll like to quote a little poem entitled “Results and Roses”, which runs as follows:
The man who wants a garden fair,
Or small or very big,
With flowers growing here and there,
Must bend his back and dig.
The things are very few on earth,
That wishes can attain,
Whatever we want of any worth,
We’ve got to work to gain.
It matters not what goal you seek,
Its secret here reposes:
You’ve got to dig from week to week,
To get results or roses.
Yes, this is true indeed: hard work,from week to week, makes the very key to success.
Finally, I just can’t wait to see your coming success roses and I’d like to read aloud an imitated encouraging poem I composed right after my poetry class, two years ago. The title of the poem is “IF”
If you are kind enough to help th’ needed
And reach your hand at your heart’s inner call;
If you can get ahead in high spirit
And keep moving until the very end;
If you can keep as busy as a bee
But remain peaceful in sound and fury;
If you can see the bright side of dark clouds
And cheer up after each down in the dumps;
If you can grasp the truth of honesty
And know there is always better ahead;
If you can tell that you have done the best
To move to your ultimate ambition.
Then youare different from others all
And turn to be a real graduate, my dear!
Thank you and all my best wishes for you!
所谓“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,“ 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。”,我们在外语语言学习学习的过程中也是一样,相信勤能补拙,耳熟能详,努力做到熟能生巧,得心应手。